Personal Leadership Coaching
Are you ready to develop your self-awareness and organizational awareness so you can understand how each influences the way you take up authority? Personal leadership coaching strengthens your emotional intelligence, resilience, and relational skills over a series of one-to-one sessions. Your ability to create and sustain healthy, functional, and ethical workplaces will be nurtured in a private setting that keeps you accountable. Leadership coaching and development helps you confidently embody leadership qualities.
a leader, manager or change agent who wants to create a bigger impact?
uncomfortable with your organization’s or team’s dynamics?
ready for clarity and want to shape your leadership role?

have more to offer, but don’t know how to make yourself heard?
want to create healthy, ethical and equitable work environments where people thrive?
dream of making a positive impact on your organization or community, but aren’t sure how?

Personal Leadership Coaching will help you:
Become clear about your purpose and role within your organization, team or group. You’ll learn ways to make sense of your organizational and team dynamics and how to create the positive impact that feels right for you and the systems you work within. One-to-one leadership coaching and mentoring helps you to unlock your innate leadership qualities and build upon your strengths.

Check out the Coaching Packages:
Personal Leadership Coaching

12 x 1-hour personal coaching sessions held every fortnight
Access to the Emerging Leaders program:
Video lectures
Practical exercises
Worksheets and downloads
Recommended readings and links

Personal Leadership Coaching
6 x 1-hour personal coaching sessions held every fortnight
Access to the Emerging Leaders program:
Video lectures
Practical exercises
Worksheets and downloads
Recommended readings and links