Organizational Learning
& Transformation
Collaborate with leaders, groups, and organizations to identify adaptive challenges they are facing
Help leaders, groups and organizations diagnose stumbling blocks/barriers that impede their ability to grapple with their challenges
Diagnose current organizational functioning in connection with desired goals
Assess system dynamics within an organization
Use interviews, surveys, focus groups to assess current organizational needs and gaps
Facilitation of feedback meetings to make sense of information gathered
Design and facilitation of planning meetings and retreats
Design and delivery of highly experiential courses, workshops, and seminars to engage participants on emotional and intellectual levels.
Immunity to change mapping
Experience &
Designed and facilitated meetings and retreats for teams to collaboratively assess functioning and improve their processes
Designed and delivered training programs for organizations to build leadership and systems awareness to improve team functioning
Designed and taught graduate level classes in organizational diagnosis and change
30 years experience facilitating change with individuals, small groups, and systems as psychotherapist, organizational consultant, and educator
20 years experience consulting at group relations (Tavistock) conferences
Provide shadow consulting and coaching to doctoral level organizational development students in practicum
Peer Reviewed JournalsWallach, T. (2019) What do Participants Learn at Group Relations Conferences: A report on a conference series on the theme of Authority, Power and Justice. Organizational and Social Dynamics 19(1), 1-20. Wallach, T. (2014). What Do Participants Learn at Group Relations Conferences?. Organizational and Social Dynamics, 14(1), 13-38. Wallach, T. (2013). Teaching group dynamics: An international perspective. The Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism, and Practice, V (1). Wallach, T. (2012). Authority, Leadership and Peacemaking: The Role of the Diasporas: The Intersection of the Personal and the Political in a Group Relations Conference. Organizational and Social Dynamics, 12(2). 171-193. Wallach, T. (2004). Transforming conflict: A group relations perspective. Peace and Conflict Studies, 11(1), 76-95. Wallach, T. (1994). Gender and competition in group psychotherapy. Group, 1 (1), 29-36.
Book ChapterWallach, T. (2006). Conflict transformation: A group relations perspective. In M. Fitzduff & C. E. Stout (Eds.), The psychology of resolving global conflicts: From war to peace (Vol. 1, pp. 285-306). U.K.: Praeger Security International.
OtherWallach, T. (2011). Authority, Leadership and Peacemaking: The Role of the Diasporas. NSGP Newsletter, 32 (2), 12. Wallach, T. (2002). Leadership and dialogue in conditions of uncertainty: A view from the outside, published online at Track 3 Connections.