Experience & Education

Ph.D., Educational Studies, Lesley University
Domain of Study:
Group, Organizational and Socio-Political Systems
Authority, Leadership, and Peacemaking: The Role of the Diasporas
M.S.W., Smith College School for Social Work
A.B., cum laude, Brandeis University
Certificates and Specialized Training
Certification in Analytic-Network Coaching System™
Certification in Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP-I, CDP 360)
Certificate in eLearning, Northeastern University
Certification in Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Inventory, Multi-Health Systems
Certificate in Community Mediation, Metropolitan Mediation Services, Brookline, MA
Certificate in Organization Development and Human Resource Consultation, Boston Institute for Psychotherapy, Inc.
Certificate in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Boston Institute for Psychotherapy, Inc.
Additional Training in
Systems Psychodynamics (Group Relations/Tavistock Approach)
Systems-Centered theory and practice (Yvonne Agazarian, Ph.D.)
Anti-racism and Multiculturalism (Visions, Inc.)
Immunity to Change Facilitators’ Workshop
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) (Practice Teaching Intensive at U Mass Medical School)
30 years experience facilitating change with individuals, small groups, and systems as psychotherapist, organizational consultant, and educator
20 years experience consulting at group relations (Tavistock) conferences
Nearly 20 years experience designing and delivering academic courses in leadership, organizational behavior, organizational diagnosis and change, leadership ethics
Designed and delivered training for organizations to build leadership and systems awareness to improve team functioning
Provide shadow consulting and coaching to doctoral level organizational development students in practicum
Past President, Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems (Boston Center of AK Rice Institute
Designed and facilitated retreats for participants to explore areas of differences, discover areas of agreement, and pave a path forward
Designed and facilitated meetings and retreats for teams to collaboratively assess functioning and improve their processes
Training and experience in facilitation of large group interventions, such as Future Search or Appreciative Inquiry
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