Case Studies

Case 1
A manufacturing company was experiencing production, quality and morale problems.
Tracy Wallach worked with a team of associates in a large-scale change management program for the company. The effort involved redesigning the organization to a team structure; designing and implementing leadership/management training at all levels to provide the skills needed to operate in a team structure; and following up with team development and coaching.
Teams at all levels progressed in their ability to share information and collaborate productively on reaching important goals, and in many cases established measurement systems to track performances, by shift or by team. In addition they began to move beyond the mentality of day-to-day fire fighting to thinking and planning ahead for the longer term.
The team process in one manufacturing division alone resulted in significant annualized savings.
Quality and safety measures also improved substantially in the team based environment.
Case 2
A church experiencing exponential growth needed help envisioning the future they wanted so that they could bring it into being.

Working with an associate, Tracy took the congregation through the process of exploring the past, examining current trends, creating a shared vision, and devising action steps to take them there.
Participants left the conference with energy and commitment to implement their action plans.
Using the same methodology, Tracy and other associates helped a region of churches resolve an important decision about their future. Having struggled for many months with an enduring conflict, the group made a decision and organized planning teams to implement their decision.

Case 3
A multi-site public service system in the midst of a large-scale change effort asked Tracy to work with some groups experiencing conflict.
Tracy instead designed an intervention that would work with the change and teaming efforts going on in the system as a whole. She created and implemented a retreat protocol which allowed intact work groups to:
assess their current functioning
offer meaningful feedback to each other
develop a common vision for their group
plan action steps for achieving their goals.
The meetings resulted in reduced conflict, better ability to manage conflict on the team, improved communication and greater clarity about group vision and goals.